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York Infant & Early Years

Our Curriculum

Our Approach

Our curriculum is all-encompassing and based on an enriched program that includes the Local Singapore Early Years Development Framework (EYDF)

and Nurturing Early Learners (NEL) Framework as well as the United Kingdom Early Years Foundation Stage (UK EYFS) framework. Our curriculum encompasses a kaleidoscope of discovery, where subjects are integrated, learning is active, and teaching strategies are responsive to the needs, interests and learning styles of individual children.

York Infant and Early Years Centre - Choa Chu Kang
York Infant and Early Years Centre - Choa Chu Kang

Our Curriculum

Our inquiry-based teaching practices coupled with years of extensive curriculum development and design, empowers children with an eco-system of support and opportunities that will give them ample opportunities to explore broad concepts, question enough to make hypotheses and most importantly, fascinate them enough to yearn to learn requisite skills, leading to academic excellence beyond the classroom as well as paves the way towards being well balanced, caring and compassionate global citizens.

Teaching and learning at York Infant centers around the individual child; what they love and what motivates them to learn.

The expert delivery of rich, engaging, meaningful activities, purposeful play, and focused high-quality teachable moments, provides real opportunities for children’s natural curiosity to be enhanced, for individual learning to be challenged and extended, and secures solid foundations for life-long learning.


York Infant and Early Years Centre - Choa Chu Kang
York Infant and Early Years Centre - Choa Chu Kang

We offer a bespoke set of learning programmes designed as additional enrichments taught by specialist teachers at no additional cost .Our enrichment classes are intertwined within our core curriculum provision. They aim to cement solid foundations for learning and focus on the key skills, knowledge and attitudes we believe children need for an enriched, happy, healthy and successful life, and to make positive contributions to the world they are growing up in. 


Our enrichment programmes include additional languages, yoga, baby mozart(kindermusik), boogie baby (dance classes) and more! 

York Infant and Early Years Centre - Choa Chu Kang Child: Centered Philosophy
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